Tuesday 2 November 2021

Elemental 6

 This is no ordinary program.

 This is Elemental 6.

Friday 29 October 2021

Axolotls (PT.4)


Axolotl Facts for Kids | Axolotls Information | Animal Fact Guide


Ambystoma mexicanum

The axolotl is a kind of amphibian, specifically a salamander, that does not metamorphose naturally. Usually, amphibians have gills and live underwater when they are young, but then they lose their gills, develop lungs, and live on land as adults.

Axolotls, however, keep their gills and continue living in the water as adults. Their gills are their most recognizable trait because they look like wispy feathers.

Axolotls also develop lungs. Although their main method of breathing is through their gills, they occasionally use their lungs to breathe in air from the water’s surface. Because they live in water their whole lives, they always have a tail and webbed feet for swimming.

Axolotls average 23 cm (9 in.) in length. They vary in color from pinkish to brownish green, and often appear to be smiling because of the shape of their mouth.

In the wild, axolotls are only found in one lake outside Mexico City, called Lake Xochimilco.

They will eat just about anything they can catch, including fish, worms, mollusks, and even insects on the surface of the water. They are preyed upon by perch and tilapia, both of which are invasive species, as well as birds.

In captivity, axolotls are very popular. They can be found in homes and aquariums all over the world. This is because they are handy, easy to breed, and cute enough that many people want to own one.

Axolotls can also be found in research laboratories. They are studied because, like other salamanders, the axolotl has the extraordinary ability to regrow missing body parts. That means that if an axolotl loses a leg or a tail, it will regrow, including the bones, muscle, and skin. They can also regrow organs, something scientists hope they can apply to humans one day.


Breeding events happen up to three times a year. This varies depending on whether the axolotls are in the wild or captivity. Regardless of location, the act remains the same. There is what appears to be a dance after which the female lays her eggs, between 300 and 1000! After only two weeks the eggs hatch and the babies are left on their own.

Friday 15 October 2021

Element Maker

This is no ordinary code. 

This is Element Maker.

Friday 1 October 2021

Axolotls (PT.3)

Sorry for not giving axolotls last blog. So I made another one. So I hope you like it!


Thursday 30 September 2021


 It is sunrise. It is Khan Academy. It is https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/sunrise/6661879892066304.

The Sun actually rises.
The Sun turns yellow.
The sky turns blue.
The grass turns green.
Click the link.

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Axolotls (PT.2)

 This is a second part of the axolotl list. Hope you like them!

Monday 16 August 2021

Water Amphibians (Axolotls)

 Do you like Water Amphibians? Then you're on the right blog! These are the cutest axolotls that I can find! Can you tell me what is your favourite Water Amphibian? Blog you later! Eddy

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Tuesday 3 August 2021

The Challenge of r/Place 100

 Setting: An app and a 1000 x 1000 grid that everyone wants to win and defeat other characters called Our Place.

Characters: The Blue Corner, The Void, The Brony (RD, PP), The Green Lattice, The Rainbow.

On 2017 April Fools Day, The Brony (RD) was made while The Brony (PP) was getting eaten by The Blue Corner.  The Brony (RD) saw The Green Lattice. A while after he and The Blue Corner were destroyed, The Brony (RD) saw The Void. He spread like wildfire and absolutely, definitely, negatively destroyed most of Our Place’s possessions like a big monster. The Brony (RD) absolutely, definitely, positively destroyed The Void by giving him The Rainbow. He put PONIES! On the top, and cutie marks on the bottom of himself. And they all lived happily ever after. The End.

We wrote 100 word story because we had to
It is challenging because it is different to an unlimited story.

Friday 30 July 2021


Kia Ora! Here are some dragons that I have put into the blog! Tell me about your favourite dragons! Can you let me know if I have to update by giving me feedback about the dragons?

Monday 5 July 2021


 Sati nori ati, kara bidget blue, yadori desa sati, kara tu! 

 Sati nori ati, kara bidget green, yadori desa sati, kara tin!

 Sati nori ati, kara bidget yellow, yadori desa sati, kara tero!

 Sati nori ati, kara bidget orange, yadori desa sati, kara taranga!

 Sati nori ati, kara bidget red, yadori desa sati, kara tedu!

 Sati nori ati, kara bidget purple, yadori desa sati, kara turapolu!

 Sati nori ati, kara bidget violet, yadori desa sati, kara tioletu!

 Sati nori ati, kara bidget aqua, yadori desa sati, kara takua!

 Sati nori ati, kara bidget lime, yadori desa sati, kara taimu!

 Sati nori ati, kara bidget fuchsia, yadori desa sati, kara tushia!

 Sati nori ati, kara bidget magenta, yadori desa sati, kara tagenta!

Monday 28 June 2021



Friday 18 June 2021

Product type

 Production is very good! Are yo
ur kids! Their production is so good!
Is very good, production! 

Monday 10 May 2021


 Check out this video from above. It's not me who made it. It's LittleShyFIM and RarityDash who did.

If you watched this video, you know what I'm going to say:

Grid is just a remake of r/Place, and it's wonderful!

Check this URL: edward.warburton.it/grid.html 

Friday 9 April 2021

New Rubik's cube (and Cube stickers) on the way

 Hi, again,  I'm Edward and there's a NEW RUBIK'S CUBE ON THE WAY! I'm so excited to open! I CAN'T WAIT!

Monday 8 February 2021



Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.